
Tarion New Home Warranty

Warranty coverage begins on the date of possession of a home or condominium unit, and remains in effect until the end of the warranty period, even if the home is sold before the warranty expires.

The One Year Warranty

Your Home’s statutory one year warranty coverage begins on the date you take possession of the home and ends on the day before the first anniversary of this date. For example, if your home’s date of possession is November 8,2010, the one year warranty begins on November 8,2010 and ends on November 7,2011. The one year warranty is provided by the builder and it requires that the home be:

  • Constructed in a workmanlike manner and free from defects in material.
  • Fit for habitation.
  • Constructed in accordance with the Ontario Building Code.
  • Free of major structural defects.

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The Two Year Warranty

Your Home’s statutory two year warranty coverage begins on the date you take possession of the home and ends on the day before the second anniversary of this date. For example, if your home’s date of possession is November 8, 2010, the two year warranty begins on November 8,2010 and ends on November 7,2012. The two year warranty is provided by the builder and covers:

  • Water penetration through the basement or foundation walls.
  • Defects in material, including windows, doors and caulking, or defects in work that results in water enetration into the building envelope.
  • Defects in work and materials in the electrical, plumbing and heating delivery and distribution systems.
  • Defects in work material which result in the detachment, displacement or deterioration of exterior cladding (such as brickwork, aluminum or vinyl siding).
  • Violations of the Ontario Building Code affecting health and safety (including, but not limited to, violations relating to fire safety and the structural adequacy of the home).
  • Major structural defects.

The Seven Year Warranty

Your Homes seven year warranty covers major structural defects (MSD) and begins on the date you take possession of the home and ends on the day before the seventh anniversary of the date. For example, if your home’s date of possession is November 8, 2010, the seven year warranty MSD begins on November 8,2010 and ends on November 7, 2017. A major structural defect is defined in the Act as:

  • Any defects in work or material that result in the failure of a load-bearing part of the home’s structure or materially and adversely affects its load-bearing function: or any defects in work or materials that materially and adversely affects the use of the building as at home.

The seven year MSD warranty includes significant damage due to soil movement, major cracks in basement walls, collapse or serious distortion of joints or roof structure and chemical failure of materials

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